- Family: One son, also named James (Jim) and one grandson, Evan (both live in Texas)
- Education: BA, Western Ky U; MA and PhD, Vanderbilt U; forty plus years as a university professor of English and humanities; main positions -- University of Texas, University of Puerto Rico, Vanderbilt University, and now Western Kentucky.
- Activities: "I travel a lot: half a dozen world trips in the last ten years, lots of Europe, South America and all 50 states as well as Canada and Mexico. I also oversee a real estate business (rental properties here in the BG area).Six years ago I bought and restored an ante-bellum colonial house, Boxwood, now on the historical register. However, I am considering downsizing before too long; lots of trouble to maintain a museum ( or mausoleum!) I've lived all over the US in the half century since Shawnee; and I've spent three "stints" overseas for up to a year at a time."
James Darrell Skaggs
- Hobbies: "playing piano, singing, reading (especially murder mysteries), movies, restaurants (although I have 'cut back' recently trying to keep the weight and blood sugar down), various church activities, writing (I try to write something creative every day), volunteer work for Human Rights Commission and local musical groups such as the symphony and chamber orchestra, fund raising for Western Ky U and Vanderbilt."
- Other comments: "I really appreciate all the good work you guys are doing to prepare for our celebration; let me know as soon as you have a definite date. I think about the 'good old days' a lot and all the good times we shared. It seems now that we lived in a kind of golden age where we were able to do almost anything we wanted to do and where we felt little fear or intimidation by the big bad world out there. How much more difficult it is for our grandchildren these days! Like many others I feel that our country has recently (maybe for a long time) been going to hell in a handbasket, and I feel helpless to do much about it. I do work in local elections and try to help with civic activities, but my enthusiasm has waned in recent years. My health has been on a bit of a roller coaster with many of the problems of aging: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, a couple of small strokes --- but I get around reasonably well and enjoy each day as it comes. I don't drive much any more (kind friends and family come to get me especially for night activities) and I do enjoy sitting in my chair (a little like Archie Bunker) and watching the birds and squirrels while also sipping a nice cold martini or glass of red wine. I'd love to hear from any of you guys at any time, and I especially look forward to our reunion next year."
- A writer of free-verse poetry, Jim has written the following for our class:
- SHS Reunion Reminiscence